
Expanding Crazy

14 Oct 2017, 12:41 pm

Bearing witness to the daily psychodrama emanating from the noxious Trump White House for nine long months has exhausted us. The constant stream of insults and petulance and rage create a never-ending barrage of crazy that wearies the very fabric of the soul.

It feels, however, that we are moving into an even more lethal phase in this war of Trump against the goodness of America. His rantings are now morphing into policies, and the barrage has become a veritable series of assaults against the body politic.  When he fails Puerto Ricans and dismisses and disdains their needs, he attacks all of us. When he sabotages the health care market for those with lower incomes to satisfy his compulsion to destroy all things related to the former successful and beloved president, he sabotages all of us. When he shreds environmental protections and trade agreements because he cannot tolerate any limits on his own actions or anything sanctioned by any president other than his own grandiose self, he shreds the collective future of all of us.

The presidency has become a giant, infantile tantrum. In his rage at the growing pushback and criticism against him, Donald Trump is escalating. He is wantonly destroying anything in his path that is not a testament to his imagined greatness. The only question is how much destruction must we witness before Congress or his administration stands up to stop him, if they ever do.

By mid-November, the long period of restriction and stress indicated in Trump’s chart for 2017 is coming to an end. He gets a bit of a break until some issues emerge in 2018.  The strain on him will again be pronounced during the Saturn station opposite his Mercury (8Cancer52) from March 9 through May 7. This may mark a backlash against some form of heightened aggression by Trump that develops when transiting Uranus trines his natal Mars (26Leo47) from February 26 to March 19, which itself is receiving a conjunction from solar arc Uranus. This period in late February and March will mark a triggering of a very impulsive and aggressive progression in his chart that continues through early July 2018 (solar arc Uranus conjunct natal Mars). Increased aggression, possibly military, also shows up on the US chart when transiting Pluto moves into a quincunx with US Mars from February 22 to April 24.  This will be a time to watch and require much effort to keep things contained as much as possible.

It is also possible we may see the first signs of some economic contraction in 2018, with Saturn going into Capricorn and opposing the US Venus (3Cancer06)/Jupiter (5Cancer55) conjunction. This will first come from January 6 to February 13 and then return during the second half of June and then for a long station opposite Venus from July 22 through October 2. The Saturn station opposite US Venus during the summer and early fall of 2018 is likely to bring economic hardship and possibly some other traumatic events that profoundly impact some segment or segments of the US population. Severe hurricanes or other dramatic, catastrophic events are likely during this period.

Now that this year is nearing a close, the most stressful year remaining for 45 will be 2020. Hopefully, it will be enough to eject him from his presidential perch, but even that is not yet certain.  Much will depend on who is running against him. In the meantime, it is becoming increasingly clear that Trump’s narcissistic addiction to endless praise and attention is expanding into a voracious addiction to power.  He emanates an almost a sadistic enjoyment each time his mere utterance of an unexpected phrase ripples out to shake the planet. This man is extremely dangerous and all the more so as he settles into his reign.

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