
It’s a very Virgo time indeed

16 Sep 2017, 10:10 am

Virgo New Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars in Virgo

It’s a very Virgo time.

Sun, Mercury and Mars in Virgo
Venus enters Virgo September 19
New Moon at 27 degrees Virgo September 19
11:30pm MDT
Virgo’s special gifts of discernment are much needed and to be heeded in these days of chaos and heightened sensitivity.
Where to focus your energy?
Focusing on what isn’t working leads you down a path to more of what doesn’t work.
Worrying is a complete waste of your precious energy.
Taking practical steps towards what you would like to see work better can feel like a fruitless pursuit until the harvest of intentional focus comes more clearly into view.
Patience brings the reward of the harvest.
Patience is the challenge and the gift.
Being patient while attending to directions received from Spirit can exhaust all your senses.
Being with WHAT IS while visualizing the ideal outcome is the path of the obedient servant to Spirit,
the vessel through which divine energy flows.
Virgo is the servant of Spirit.
No surprise that Virgo rules the elimination processes in the body. What goes out is critically important to keeping your body free of toxins. Notice what foods you eat that stop up your system and those that keep things flowing. Notice what thoughts glom up your system, creating stagnation. Hemp Oil as a dietary supplement harmonizes your body, allowing for better functioning, better flow.
Virgo LOVES hemp oil. Plant consciousness supporting exactly what you need – proper elimination of toxins and digestive debris. A clean system is a happy system. Hemp Oil helps your body to heal itself, the first line of defense being elimination of toxins.
At this New Moon commune with the essence of Virgo.
Use discernment in all your affairs.
Tend to the care and maintenance of your body’s elimination process.
Clean your insides. Clean your outsides.
Sanctify the spaces you inhabit, each breath sacred, each choice an expression of LOVE for your miraculous flesh sac, the flow of Spirit through you as sacred service to the Divine.
Virgo, Harvest Goddess, blesses us with infinite abundance.
Make room for the blessings by continuing to move energy through you, keeping your channel clean and clear of mental, emotional, and physical crap.

The post It’s a very Virgo time indeed appeared first on Starry Blessings Astrology.

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