
Mars in Capricorn: Sign by Sign

17 Mar 2018, 12:45 pm

Mars moves into Capricorn, a sign that it’s right at home in. In astrology parlance Mars is exalted in Capricorn, which is to say that the planet does its best work in Capricorn, channeling impulse and restlessness into focus and discipline. This is a Mars that will inspire us to lead, take command, and take action toward long term success. But, this is also a Mars that can’t cut corners or rush. This is a Mars that has to take responsibility for its actions.

Want to know what Mars in Capricorn will activate up for you? Read for your Sun and rising sign. Mars will be in Capricorn from March 17 to May 15, 2018.

Aries and Aries RisingCareer, direction, status, the world. You’ve reached the top, Aries. Time to take action in your career as well as launch yourself out into the world. The coming weeks will put you in the spotlight so use this time proactively. Go after the job you want, take the next step up professionally, or make a change in your direction. While this will be a natural time for you to be the leader, you’ll also feel the pressure of responsibility and the scrutiny that comes from being in the public eye. You may have to make hard choices or deal with the consequences of your actions as well.

Taurus and Taurus RisingTravel, higher education, teaching, philosophy. After a long stretch of naval gazing and deep emotional introspection, Mars in Capricorn will be a breath of fresh air. You may be traveling more, meeting people abroad, or going on long trips with a mate. It’s also a time for you to work out what you believe in as well as go back to school. Integrity and accountability will be big themes for you as well.

Gemini and Gemini RisingFinances, intimacy, sharing, the psyche. What are your fears? How do you deal with intimacy? How do you open up to others? Mars in Capricorn will highlight emotional connection, the sort of connection shared between a partner or close confidant. Mars will also touch on trust, security, power, and control. Money will be a focus, too, from wealth and assets to loans, debt, and estates.

Cancer and Cancer RisingRelationships, partnership, collaboration, other people. Mars in Capricorn has a reputation for making noise in relationships. If there’s been a long simmering issue with a mate or a partner, Mars will bring it to the forefront. You also may find your interactions with people more on the defensive side of things. But this may also be a time when you’re really motivated to connect with people and explore the world through relationship.

Leo and Leo RisingHealth, wellness, work, colleagues, day-to-day life. What do you need to do to get healthy? Come up with a plan? Set a schedule? With Mars in Capricorn, you’ll find yourself motivated to make changes in diet and fitness. You also may find yourself caught up in the daily grind. Careful to to work yourself too much.

Virgo and Virgo RisingSelf expression, creativity, children, leisure. It’s all about you. With Mars in Capricorn, you’ll be feeling a need to express yourself through your talents, your voice, or even performance. While Virgo has a buttoned up reputation, what happens when you let loose? Have fun? Enjoy a little romance, too? Mars will bring focused action.

Libra and Libra RisingHome, family, foundation, emotional connections. When Mars arrives in the home, he makes for a fussy housemate. You may find your home under renovations or other loud changes. The people in your home may be loud and aggressive, too. But with focus, Mars will help you build a solid, secure foundation. With that in mind, you may packing up to move or creating the home you want with a partner. Emotions may run high as well.

Scorpio and Scorpio RisingTavel, movement, communication, learning. Time to get busy. With Mars in your sign of travel and movement, don’t be surprised if you spend the coming weeks running around town for appointments. This is also a chatty place for Scorpio’s ruling planet, ironic considering that Scorpio likes to keep things close to the vest. You may find yourself writing, speaking, and sharing your ideas more as well as reading up on new things.

Sagittarius and Sagittarius RisingIncome, value, stability, material life. What do you need to feel financially secure? With Mars heating up Capricorn, you’ll be taking measured actions to increase your income and create stability in your life. Don’t be surprised if Mars heats up your bank account, too. You may be spending more money while Mars is in Capricorn, but purchases that a personal investment and reflect increased maturity.

Capricorn and Capricorn RisingThe self, personality, vitality, new beginnings. Mars in your sign is a force of vitality. You will feel inspired to take action, move forward, or begin something new — all with Capricorn’s calm, focused demeanor. Mars in Capricorn can also come across as pushy to others and, as a result, your interactions with people may be on the brusque side. But, if you’ve needed to get ahead and push your agenda, the coming weeks will be your time.

Aquarius and Aquarius RisingRetreat, rest, recuperation, surrender, endings. Mars has reached the end of its personal journey through your chart. Arriving in Capricorn, you may feel an impulse to retreat from the world and look within. This will likely be a quiet time for you as you reflect on where you’ve been, letting go of anything that no longer works for you. Something may be ending in your career, too, or perhaps you have the realization that you need to take life in a different direction. That said, make sure you get lots of rest. Your dream life may also be quite active, filled with insightful visions and messages.

Pisces and Pisces RisingFriends, groups, community, society, humanity, the future. Although Pisces has a reputation for being a little shy, Mars in Capricorn will push you out into the world and into your community. As a result you may be spending more time with friends or making connections with people who share your ideals. You may be even taking an initiative with humanitarian work or social causes. Mars can also be a little blustery in social interactions and you may see an increase in disagreements between people around you.

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Mars Through the Signs

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