
Mercury Opposite Uranus, just like it sounds

20 Oct 2016, 03:43 am

Post Debate debacle.

In the Saturn square Neptune world one side sees Trump being a freedom champion of some sorts. Some of what he points out is true but then he’s on the wrong side of racism, misogyny, bullshit, lies, and blustering nothing. He is not a politician, he’s a TV showman and a failed rich boy. He once supported Democrats and was pro-choice. He’s a whore who is shilling for whoever will pay him. He says whatever he perceives will give him the most attention. 

yes one way or the other revolution is being stirred up in America. Trump’s zealots won’t take the Democrats winning lying down. We Astrologers are naive and optimistic mainly. We think the word revolution means a leftist revolution or one that advances the people, not a right wing conservative revolution, which attempts to rest the power away from the 1% and do what? Give it to the poor? The Republicans being the Robin Hood party and socially conscious? I don’t think so.  The idiots who are creationists are backlashes to the forces of evolution and technological invention. Reversing Roe versus Wade enslaves women again. This is DEVOLUTION. This is just foolish ignorance, cowardice and fear.


It does not befit a world leading country to be so small minded. It is 2016, and Canada’s Prime Minister immediately set up an equal sex cabinet “because it’s 2015.”  Are we having such a hard time up here in Canada with our paid medical care, yearly paid maternity leave, free legal abortions, guaranteed incomes and carefully screened refugees from Syria compared to America, a mere 100 miles away from Toronto where I live?  Republicans are scared posturing, small minded.  They can’t see how sacred and small they look to the outside world. Trump actually wants to withdraw the U.S. from acting like the big saviour of the world which is actually a good thing. Those days are over. It doesn’t work the same way anymore. There is nothing to prove.

America’s profit hungry manufacturers are to blame for the state of America’s economy because they outsourced to make more money getting their goods made in China or Mexico. The other guilty parties are the Federal Reserve, which is a private bank and Wall Street. 

Fall of Phaeton 1605 Reubens

Fall of Phaeton by Peter Paul Reubens 1605

America is actually a Corporation and is held under British Law if you must really know.


And elections have been rigged in the U.S. the Bushes stole it away from Al Gore.  Clinton is also crooked as is her husband. The powers behind the puppet President make it look like two party system but it isn’t really anymore. 

The point is they’re all crooks, all puppets, all pawns and the people are the lowest pawns of all. The 1% have already situated themselves so highly and mightily they have more apparent power now than ever before. They use everything, climate change, is used to further tax the people. 

It isn’t looking very pretty my friends. The UN is set to take over. There may be no real cash anymore just digital. Infirmation will go to some and not others. Who knows who is fighting who in Syria?

 Mercury in Libra is opposed to Revolutionary freedom loving Uranus. The shock and awe planet. Arguing about which one did better is a spectator sport at this point. 

Canada is sending love letters to America cause frankly folks we are too close for comfort at this stage. 

The Blue Jay struck out. sniff sniff.

Moon trines the Sun early in the a.m. have sunny dreams at least.

Stay optimistic, in my own house here in my own little life, all is fine.

Moon enters MAMAland of Cancer in the morning, Where we get all sentimental, and reminisce about the good olde days.  Like that song by 21 Pilots which I adore. ” Stressed out.” 


which makes a very nasty looking icon actually. 

Cat fished?  Be careful about eating in exotic food restaurants. “Exotic” is relative, Indian? Thai? Authentic Chinese? 

Be careful of falling for that exotic long-distance relationship as well. 

Your need to stay safe, at home and comfortable are at odds with your wanderlust.

Moon squares JUPITER in LIBRA

a Cardinal Cross of the positive social kind. Close encounters? 

I am temporarily blocked on FB

Please share widely all writing is copyright of Tara Greene

Get a reading with me http://www.taratarot.com

I will be on the road tomorrow night heading to Washington D.C. We are driving to the Goddess gathering myself and two other women. I’ll try to post stuff on the way.  More likely it will be video’s. Wish me safe travels.

It will be interesting being in Washington. I haven’t been there in so long. 



book a reading with me http://www.taratarot.com  

Stressed O

ut- 21 pilots

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