
Release fears and doubts…

19 Nov 2018, 04:00 pm

Gibbous Moon into Taurus: Following the popularity yesterday of my little freebie PDF, I thought I would include the info here on the Daily Moon Message page…

Let Go Of Fear And Doubts Under The Full Moon

This month’s Full Moon is taking place just nearby the planet of ebullience and jubilance, Jupiter. That effectively means that the swollen and bright Moon will be energising Jupiter, who is also the planet of happiness and good luck.

So use this energy now to process your fears and doubts.

Fears and doubts are something nearly everyone has. They swirl around your beliefs about how likely your dreams are to come true.

We all have to stare our fears and doubts in the face. Think about when they started and why we have let them hang around. You will find that if you release your fears, they really do go away.

Try the following exercise – fill in the blanks:

My fear is _______________________________________________________________

That’s nonsense! The truth is _______________________________________________

So I am going to _________________________________________________________

Click here to download the 3 questions as a PDF.

Today’s freebie

I gave a workshop last week in London and I went DEEP into the power of forgiveness and how incredibly important it is for clearing your energy if you want to do more powerful manifesting. In a nutshell, the Full Moon is THE time to release resentment, upset and bitterness so that when you come to do your manifesting, you will attract the GOOD stuff not more of the UPSETTING STUFF. Forgiveness as the Moon grows to fullness is easier because all our emotions bubble up. We can’t hide them so we might as well deal with them! Click here for your FREE Full Moon forgiveness kit – already accessed by more than 30, 000 people!

Taurus Cosmic Extras

Top 3 affirmations:

1. ‘I am happy, healthy, wealthy and wise!’

2. ‘Thank you, Universe – all my needs are provided for!’

3. ‘I’m worth it!’

Essential Oil to use: Ylangylang

Mantra: Lam. Chant it out loud or silently

Chakra: The Root, aka Muladhara

Angel: Chamuel, archangel of love

Goddess: Abundance Goddess Abundantia

Cosmic Ray: The 2nd ray which is blue

There’s more information about working with the Cosmic Extras in my book Moonology


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