
Saturn In Capricorn

17 Dec 2017, 10:40 am

Saturn in Capricorn

Dec 19, 11:48 pm EST through March 21, 2020 11:58pm EDT

July 1, 2020 7:37pm Saturn Retrograde re-enters Cap

Dec 17, 2020 12:04 am Saturn re-enters Aquarius

The day after the new moon Saturn moves into Capricorn where it will be for the next two and half years.    Saturn is comfortable in Capricorn since it is a home sign.   Saturn with its legendary rings likes to pull in the reins and get serious the minute it transits a sign.  In Capricorn issues around business, career, economy, infrastructure, government (lots of Capricorn in politicians), aged community, traditions and conservation take front stage.

Thirty years ago, the last Saturn in Capricorn 1988-1991 followed right on the heels of the 1987 economic crash.   And in 1929 Saturn was in Cap for half of the year then it retrograded back into Sag and while it was at the Galactic Center (note that!) we had the 1929 crash, which activated the Great Depression.   Saturn helped focus people to do hard work while the world struggled.  Actually the hard work and struggle is exactly what Saturn in Capricorn likes to do     And you don’t need to be a Rhode Scholar to see there is great work in front of the world at this time.   I do wonder if and what seeds were planted in the last month when Saturn went over the GC and how will we spend the next couple years perhaps working on it?

We will talk a lot about Saturn in Capricorn for the next three years especially as it heads towards Pluto in 2020 but when I poked around on my ephemeris I see that the last time Saturn was on Pluto in Capricorn was January 1518 and more to the point--- in the run up to the conjunction during that fall of 1517 Martin Luther started the Protestant Reformation.  Also in the run up the first European dignitary met the Ming Chinese officials.   What will we be building towards something between now and 2020?   A new reformation?   Something important in the international community?   Who knows but we will talking about it going forward. 

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