
The Venus Retrograde by Felissa Rose

15 Oct 2018, 12:58 am

Venus retrograde

Venus is going retrograde in November and expert astrologer Felissa Rose gives us her analysis of its effects:

                                                VENUS RETROGRADE 2018

Unlike Mercury which is retrograde three times each year, the planet Venus goes retrograde approximately every year and a half.   It was last retrograde during March and April 2017 and will next be retrograde this year from October 5 until November 16.   The retrograde will begin with Venus at 10 degrees 49 minutes in Scorpio and finish at 25 degrees 14 minutes of Libra.

The planet Mercury rules our eyesight and the way we pick up information, but Venus rules our visual sense, the way we perceive and interpret what our eyes see.   Venus is the planet that is about harmony and symmetry, it beautifies our world and our being.  When a planet is retrograde it turns its focus inward.  Instead of redesigning our home, environment and relationships we seek both an inner understanding and satisfaction of how they relate to our being and the world. 

As mentioned arts and visuals are largely determined by Venus.   Since the expression of art is a physical as well as personal manifestation of one’s talent and ability, most artists were not born with this planet in retrograde.   However, I do know an extremely talented painter who was born with this position in Virgo.   Sign of detail and nuance she’s a respected writer, critic as well as painter of art.  Her work is quite detailed though not necessarily pretty but manifests a deep inner understanding of harmony.

When Venus is retrograde people aren’t as focus on visuals.  They seek more neutral or modified apparel, jewelry and adornments.   If possible, it would be best to delay these purchases until Venus is no longer retrograde.   Things that enhance one’s appearance like haircuts and hair coloring, manicures, pedicures should be delayed as well.   I would suggest that if you are seeing a hair dresser, it would be best to put off a major restyling till the retrograde is over.

Venus rules relationships and there’s more of a chance there could be a pause in taking the next step in them.  As mentioned Venus is about harmony so reflecting on issues between partners could lead to a greater understanding that can be completed when Venus is no longer in retrograde.

In the world Venus governs treaties and the negotiations to achieve peace.  I’ve noticed that treaties finalized and signed while Venus was retrograde, haven’t appeared to have lasted.

A week before a planet goes retrograde or turns direct it is stationary a time when its effect is strengthened.  Beginning on September 29, Venus will be stationary at 10 degrees of Scorpio, in the same sign and degree it will be going retrograde at on October 5.  On November 10, Venus will be stationary at 25 degrees of Libra, at the same degree that it turns  direct.   Both of these periods right before the planet either goes direct or retrograde are favorable for doing things connected to Venus.  So, get your haircut, have a party and look for that piece of furniture you always wanted.  As mentioned, Venus turns direct on November 16, the same day that Mercury goes retrograde.  Despite Venus being direct, with Mercury in retrograde it will likely take longer to resolve differences.

Whether Venus is retrograde or direct, it’s always important to share and relate harmoniously to others.   Take advantage of Venus retrograde by working on being in harmony with who you are.  For harmony is created when we stay true to our mind, body and spirit.

After the Fall 2018 Venus will next go retrograde on May 13, 2020 and turn direct on June 25, 2020.




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