download list of asteroids in this group in Zet act format.
nr  ↓ name  ↓ Name Source  ↓
150Nuwa Named for a character in Chinese mythology. This planet was possibly named in remembrance of the dis
731Sorga The name’ surga’ means ‘the heavens’ in the Indonesian language. The paradise on earth was named’ su
2687Tortali Named for the spirit of daytime and the Sun in the mythology of the Melanesians of the New Hebrides
2756Dzhangar Named for the Kalmyk epics, which reflect the hopes, dreams, and struggles of the Kalmyk people. (M
3271Ul Named for the spirit of night-time and the moon in the mythology of the Melanesians of the New Hebri
3349Manas Named for an epic poem of the Kirghiz people. (M 18136)

download list of asteroids in this group in Zet act format.