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nr  ↓ name  ↓ Name Source  ↓
460Scania Named at the meeting of the Astronomische Gesellschaft in Lund, Sweden, in 1904. This is the Latin n
480Hansa Named in memory of the medieval Hanse, a merchant trading association. The Hanseatic League was cons
991McDonalda Named for the observatory erected on Mount Locke, Fort Davis, Texas, whose 82-inch reflector was mad
1136Mercedes Named in honor of the sister-in-law of the discoverer. (H 106)
2091SampoNamed for the wonder-object in Kalevala, the Finnish national epic. Sampo was to produce every kind
2138SwissairNamed for the Swiss national airline, the international designation of which is HB.
3533Toyota Named for the city in central Japan, home of the first discoverer and known throughout the world for
3904Honda Named in honor of Minoru Honda {1917–1990} for his outstanding achievement in the discovery of 12 co
4122Ferrari Named in memory of Enzo Ferrari (1898–1988), world-famous Italian builder of racing cars and sports
5426Sharp Named for Robert P. Sharp, emeritus professor of geology at the California Institute of Technology.
7414BoschNamed in memory of Carl Bosch (1874-1940), outstanding German chemist, inventor of high-pressure amm
7528HuskvarnaHuskvarna (formerly Husqvarna) is a city located at the southernmost edge of lake Vättern in souther
11697EstrellaAllan Noriel Estrella (b. 1984) is a finalist in the 2002 Intel International Science and Engineerin
15567GiacomelliNamed in honor of Hillary N. Giacomelli for achievement as a finalist in the 2001 Discovery Young Sc

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