
(1953 FH1 )
NOW @ 9 LIB 9

Discovery Chart

21.3.1953 00:00 Brooklyn 24e45 59n26 observations 1

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Named in memory of Pierre Sémirot (1907–1972), who joined the staff of the Bordeaux Observatory in 1931, spent the war years at the Paris Observatory, and served as director of the Bordeaux Observatory from 1947 to 1970. His work in positional astronomy included collaboration with Paul Herget {see planet  (1751)} to improve the plate constants of the Bordeaux zone of the Carte du Ciel. He was president of IAU Commission 23 during 1961–1967. (M 8798) Name proposed by F. K. Edmondson. _ _.

Discovered on 21-3-1953 in Brooklyn by Indiana University

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Categories: Western Family Names,