
(1994 JD1 )
NOW @ 19 SAG 21

Discovery Chart

7.5.1994 00:00 Kitami 143e47 43n46 observations 1

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Named in honor of Minewo Nishiyama (b. 1925), amateur astronomer and president of the Chikushi Astronomical Association from 1944 to 1947. Beginning in 1944 and under the direction of H. Hirose, Nishiyama was the first amateur in Japan to make orbital calculations on minor planets. More recently he has studied the astronomical histories of Asian countries, particularly the old Burmese constellations. Name proposed by the discoverers following a suggestion from H. Oishi.

Discovered on 7-5-1994 in Kitami by Endate, K., Watanabe, K.

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