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NOW @ 10 CAN 17

Discovery Chart

19.5.1851 00:00 London 24e45 59n26 observations 0

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Named for one of the Hours, personification of peace, daughter of Jupiter and Themis {see planet  (24)}. The others are Eunomia and Dike {see planets  (15) and  (99)}. They were represented as opening the gates of heaven and of Olympus. The discoverer states in AN 32, 277 (1851): “You will readily discover that this name, properly Eirene (peace), has some relation to this event (the Great Industrial Exhibition) which is now filling our Metropolis with the talent of art and science, in which all mankind must feel an interest.” (H 3) _ _.

Discovered on 19-5-1851 in London by Hind, J. R.

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Categories: Greek and Roman Mythology,