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nr  ↓ name  ↓ Name Source  ↓
134Sophrosyne Named for one of the virtues in Plato’s (427?–347 B.C.) {see planet  (5451)} system: equanimity, hea
197Arete Named for the wife of Alcinous, king of the Phaeacians and mother of Nausicaa {see planet  (192)}. A
251Sophia Named in honor of Sophie von Seeliger, née Stoeltzel, wife of the German astronomer Hugo von Seelige
259Aletheia Named for a daughter of Zeus {see planet  (5731)} one of the nurses of Apollo {see planet  (1862)}.
275Sapientia This is the Latin name for wisdom. (H 32)
829Academia Independently discovered 1916 Aug. 31 by M. F. Wolf at Heidelberg. This planet honors the 200th anni
2440Educatio The Latin name of one of the most important human endeavors. The education of people on Earth is for
3402Wisdom Named in honor of Jack Wisdom, a dynamicist at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Wisdom is
7756ScientiaThis Latin term for science or knowledge describes the purpose of the U.S. National Science Foundati
21000L´EncyclopédieThe Encyclopédie or Dictionnaire raisonné des sciences, des arts et des métiers (1751-

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