
(1956 RL )
NOW @ 23 CAP 45

Discovery Chart

7.9.1956 00:00 Brooklyn 24e45 59n26 observations 1

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Named in honor of Lyman Spitzer Jr. {1914–1997}, director of the Princeton University Observatory from 1947 to 1979 and one of the most influential pioneers in recognizing and promoting the importance of making astronomical observations from space vehicles. In addition to performing outstanding astronomical research, he was involved in the Princeton project for the controlled release of thermonuclear energy as director of Project Matterhorn (1953–1961) and chairman of the executive committee of the Plasma Physics Laboratory (1961–1966). A member of the AURA board of directors during 1959–1969, he became chairman of the new AURA Space Telescope Institute Council in 1981. (M 8798) _ _.

Discovered on 7-9-1956 in Brooklyn by Indiana University

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